EEIG ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is a European Economic Interest Grouping that aims to unite stakeholders from different Member States together around a common objective and brings together food industry actors from seven European countries to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the European food industry through implementing and developing innovative programmes.
In particular, the EEIG, with the assistance of its members, aims to:
- Promote cooperation and exchanges between SMEs and universities, research institutes, public and private bodies involved in food innovation,
- Define policies, organise the European ECOTROPHELIA Europe competition and promote participation in the Competition and its results,
- Promote excellent education programmes linked to food innovation,
- Increase awareness and spreading information, particularly to students and young entrepreneurs.
The members are: ANIA (FR), FEVIA (BE), FIAB (ES), SEVT (GR), CCIS-CAFE (SL), SI (IS), LVA (AT) and FoodDrinkEurope.
The French, Spanish, Greek, Slovenian and Austrian member federations will contribute to the project by making the connection to the agri-food sector and its actors.
CCIS-CAFE is an independent, voluntary and non-profit interest group of legal entities, who carries out lucrative business activities in the agricultural or food sector or related activities on the market. It comprises the interests of around 230 agricultural & food companies, registered in Slovenia. As a representative of the national food industry association CCIS-CAFE is a multiple purpose adviser and develops strategic partnerships for the purpose of innovation.
The Spanish Food and Drink Federation (FIAB) was established in 1977 to represent the Spanish food and beverage industry through a single body and one voice. Its main activity is to inform the sector of the main developments that may affect its operation and competitiveness. It also represents its interests in different government and decision-makers, both nationally and at the European and international scope. Currently it encompasses 45 associations.
LVA is a private non-profit centre of excellence for the food industry in Austria and was founded as independent association with the aim to fulfil a broad range of tasks like services for coaching and consultancy, maintaining a competent training programme in the food sector, offering authoritative partnerships in technology transfer, European research programmes and mediating industry-related scientific co-operations.
SEVT represents the Greek Food & Drink Industry on national, European and international level. It consists of food and drink companies and sector associations. The Food & Drink Industry is among the leading manufacturing sectors in Greece, in terms of turnover, added value and a key job provider. The mission of SEVT is to facilitate the development of a friendly enabling business where all food and drink companies, whatever their size, can operate responsibly to respond to the increasing needs of both consumers and society.
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna - BOKU ▪ Austria
The University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences perceives itself as a teaching and research center for renewable
resources, which are necessary for human life. It is BOKU's objective to help
make a considerable contribution to the conservation and protection of
resources for future generations by providing diversity in its fields of study.
The Department of Food Science and Technology contributes significantly to the
provision of top quality and safe food by means of research and teaching both
in a national and international context. Research focuses in particular on
specific needs of the population of Austria and Central Europe. In addition to
providing profound knowledge, teaching prepares and educates students for
transdisciplinary, critical and ethically responsible thinking.
BOKU has a total of 1000 scientific staff members and around 12000 students.
The Department of Food Science and Technology consists of around 80 scientific
staff members.
University of Ljubljana ▪ Slovenia
University of Ljubljana is the oldest, the largest and internationally best ranked university in Slovenia. Biotechnical Faculty of University of Ljubljana is the leading national education and research institution covering the sciences of living nature (biology, microbiology) as well as agriculture, forestry and the related food processing technology, nutrition, wood technology and biotechnology. The fundamental mission of the Biotechnical Faculty is to provide top level university and postgraduate level education, as well as to carry out scientific research related to various aspects of the management of natural resources. Concepts of sustainability together with modern knowledge entail global challenges which may only be positively addressed by pursuing a continuous and relentless search for what is newer and better, by acquiring and developing the breakthrough solutions and applying them in everyday life. The academic community of the Biotechnical Faculty is well connected into the national and global community through numerous activities which is one of the main faculty's missions.
Agricultural University of Athens ▪ Greece
Agricultural University of Athens ▪ Greece
The Agricultural University of Athens is the third oldest university in Greece, established by law in 1920 as the Highest Agricultural School of Athens. In 1989 (renamed as AUA), it was organized into seven independent academic departments. The AUA campus is 25 hectares in area bordering on both sides the historic Sacred Way of antiquity, at the heart of the ancient Olive Grove close the Center of Athens. Its 28 building complexes comprise 42 laboratories for teaching and research, and 55 modern auditoriums and lecture rooms. AUA consists of six schools and six departments. The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition of the School of Food and Human Nutrition will be involved in this project, represented by the Laboratory of Food Quality Control and Hygiene (LFQCH) established in 1994. The main research areas of LFQCH are fermented products, food spoilage, foodborne pathogens, natural preservation methods, active and intelligent packaging, predictive modelling and quantitative microbial risk assessment.
Polytechnic University of Valencia ▪ Spain
The Universitat Politècnica de València is a
public, dynamic and innovative institution dedicated to research and teaching
that, while maintaining strong bonds with the social environment in which it
carries out its activities, advocates for a solid presence abroad. It is a
young university, which celebrates its 50th anniversary during the 2018-2019
academic year.
Its community is made up of around 34,000 students, 3,600 lecturers and
researchers and 1,500 administration and services professionals distributed
among its three campuses located in Alcoi, Gandia and València.
At present, the UPV comprises 13 university centres, of which nine are higher
technical schools, two are faculties and another two, higher polytechnic
schools. In addition, it has a Doctoral School and three affiliated centres
(Florida University, Berklee College of Music and EDEM Business School).
Montpellier SupAgro, Institut national d'études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier ▪ France
Montpellier SupAgro is a French public institution devoted to higher education
and research in Agriculture, Food and Environment. Montpellier SupAgro is
widely open to international issues and partnerships, with specific focus and
recognized expertise on southern and Mediterranean areas. Montpellier SupAgro
offers students and professionals two engineering courses and a wide range of
programs following the European LMD framework (Bachelor, Master/Advanced
Master, PhD). Montpellier SupAgro upholds a long tradition of international training and
research. On its campuses, 23% of the student body is composed of international
students, 60% of whom come from non-French speaking countries. The signing of
academic exchange agreements with about one hundred institutions all over the
world has opened a broad range of mobility opportunities for students and
researcher-professors. Framework agreements for cooperation and educational
exchange have been signed with institutions in some 30 countries in order to
set up support systems for the training programs.
AgroParisTech, l'Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement ▪ France
AgroParisTech is a leading
higher education and research institute, that aims at addressing the major
challenges of the 21st century: feeding a growing population while sustainably
managing territories, preserving natural resources, fostering innovation and
developing the bioeconomy.
Its curriculum relies on research-based training and is closely associated with
public or private research centers, main relevant technical-vocational centers
and industrial partners. AgroParisTech deploys a diversity of trainings: a MSc
in engineering, a Master of Science and a doctoral programme in partnership
with major French and foreign universities as well as a range of advanced master’s
degrees and executive education.
AgroParisTech is structured in 8 campuses in France, 5 training and research
departments, 24 mixed research units, one experimental farm, two experimental
pilot plants and 4 business pre-incubators. AgroParisTech gathers more than
2000 students, 230 academic staff and 375 doctoral students.
It is a founding member of Université Paris-Saclay, a French leading scientific
and technological cluster.